Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Company/Organization Identity

Names of some ideas for my company and its' website. Didn't feel I explored this enough, although I did gather a good amount of data on if the website names were available and their prices. My company started out as only a web company for online daters or social networkers. With the logo thumbs, there were too many dreaded acronymn attempts.

A few better ideas. The idea on the bottom left is where I came up with the design for my final logo. The letter E was for electronic and the M was for meeters as in people that meet electronically. Looking at the shapes of the E and the M it came to me that there was possiblities of creating a mark that echoed my company name using the letterforms. The counters of the E formed the heads of two figures holding hands, formed by the M letterform. But it occurred to me thinking and looking over the E and M combination that an I and an M might work better. And after a few experimentations I came up with.....

 THIS. Two I letterforms slightly tilted with another stroke extending from each of them to form "arms" of the figure. The dots of the I's are oversized as to form the "heads" of the figures. I thought the name i-meeters would work as a company because the mark contained the letters i and m and I-Meeters as in Internet Meeters. Also the inference of two peoples eyes meeting when they first meet in a social setting.

I felt it was a good mark and beginning for a logo but it was felt that the main marks of the m letterform were too thin and could be made to look more like the figures i was hoping to be inherent in the mark

 This was some experimenting with incorporating part of some of the pictographs I'd made before with the logo mark I'd come up with.

Variations of the mark with the dimensions of the letterforms changed, and with color. It was felt that the name of the website should be changed. Possibly changed to something less obvious that still reflected what the company was about. After some brainstorming came up with....

 MEUWE as in me-you-we(or us). I added a rounded shape to the middle of the M letterform to reflect shape of heads and give more of a hand appearance. I think this humanized the letterforms much more. Underneath the logo was some roughs with trying to use the logo mark in the name of the company. Unneccesary and glad I didn't go with it.

 I felt the new logo mark should have some color to it although I thought it might limit it in some ways with future web applications. I decided on some soft red and blue hues representing the female and male. I gave it a gradient mix that "met" in the middle or joined as some of the people who met through my company website might. I gave a radial gradient to the figures heads to give it some depth but it was felt this detracted from the mark which I was in aggreance with.

This was a rough for my company website page incorporating both my activity score and my logo. This rough was made using my original  logo and not the finalized version but you could still get the idea of the look. The final logo was like the red and blue one above except for the gradient was removed from the heads of the figures and the gradient of the lower part of the mark was relaxed a little

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